St. Jude the Apostle
Church of St Jude the Apostle (Click image to view full-sized photo in new window) St. Jude the Apostle Catholic ParishSchantz Op. 2291 2009 3/41 GREAT Contra Gamba 16' Principal 8' Gamba 8' Bourdon 8' Harmonic Flute 8' Octave 4' Chimney Flute 4' Fifteenth 2' Chorus Mixture IV Sharp Mixture III* Double Trumpet 16'* Trumpet 8' Tremulant Cor de Gaudete 8' CH SWELL Lieblich Gedeckt 16' Geigen Principal 8' Gedeckt 8' Salicional 8' Voix Celeste 8' Principal 4' Traverse Flute 4' Block Flute 2' Quint 1 1/3' Plein Jeu IV Bassoon-Oboe 16' Trompette 8' Oboe 8' Clairon 4' CHOIR Narrow Principal 8' Holzgedackt 8' Dolcan 8' Dolcan Celeste 8' Principal 4' Spillflöte 4' Nasard 2 2/3' Octavin 2' Tierce 1 3/5' Larigot 1 1/3' Septième 1 1/7' Fife 1' None 8/9' Fourniture III Clarinet 8' Cor de Gaudete 8' Trumpet 8'(GT) Sub Unison Off Super Zimbelstern 5 PEDAL Acoustic Bass 32' Resultant 32' Contra Bass 16' Bourdon 16' Contra Gamba 16' Lieblich Gedeckt 16'(SW) Octave Bass 8' Bourdon 8' Gamba 8'(GT) Gedeckt 8'(SW) Choral Bass 4' Open Flute 4' Grand Cornet 32' Trombone 16'* Double Trumpet 16'* Bassoon-Oboe 16'(SW)* Tromba 8'* Trumpet 8'(GT) Clarion 4'(GT) Oboe 4'(SW) Cor de Gaudete 8'(CH) * - Prepared |