Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
William Schuelke 1884-5
Great (Manual I)
Bourdon 16 ft (58 pipes)
Principal 8 ft (58 pipes)
Gamba 8 ft (58 pipes)
Gemshorn 8 ft (58 pipes)
Melodia 8 ft (46 pipes, 1-12 from Gedact)
Gedact 8 ft (58 pipes)
Octav 4 ft (58 pipes)
Flauto d'Amour 4 ft (58 pipes)
Quinte 2 2/3 ft (58 pipes)
Octav 2 ft (58 pipes)
Mixtur 4 fach (232 pipes)
Trompet 8 ft (58 pipes)
Manual Coppel
Swell (Manual II)
Principal 8 ft (58 pipes)
Viola d’Amour 8 ft (46 pipes, 1-12 from Liebl.)
Salicional 8 ft (46 pipes, 1-12 from Liebl.)
Liebl. Gedact 8 ft (58 pipes)
Fugara 4 ft (58 pipes)
Winer Floete 4 ft (58 pipes)
Piccolo 2 ft (58 pipes)
Clarionet 8 ft (58 pipes)
Principal Bass 16 ft (27 pipes)
Subbass 16 ft (27 pipes)
Octav Bass 8 ft (27 pipes)
Violoncello 8 ft (27 pipes)
Octav 4 ft (27 pipes)
I Manual zum Pedal
II Manual zum Pedal
3 Fixed Combination pistons to Great
2 Fixed Combination pistons to Swell
1 Fixed Combination piston to Pedal
Mechanical key and stop action throughout
Separate Pneumatic Lever Stacks for each manual
Conevalve Ventil Chests
Great on Right
Swell on Left
Pedal divided behind Swell and Great
Detached Console
Organ Historical Society
Historic Organ Citation #115